I wanted to end the week with you. Then I wondered, why not begin the night with you, and would it be so terrible if I carried it over to breakfast and a cup of something hot to drink with you? —L.L. Barkat, from Love, Etc. More on Love, Etc. "Delicate, suggestive, . . .
A Lover
If I could catch the green lantern of the firefly I could see to write you a letter. —Amy Lowell Check out Funny Love Songs Check out Romantic Love Songs . . .
The Reading
Run your hand over the poem, and you already know it. Feel the round of the R to begin; curl under the opening line and cup the first y so you can feel its tail tickling. Run your hand across its side and gather up the poem, the cup, the tail and begin down. You will do this again, but . . .
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove That hills and valleys, dale and field, And all the craggy mountains yield. There will we sit upon the rocks, And see the shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow rivers to whose falls Melodious birds sing . . .
New Moon
Moonrise is not forever, so in this brief hour while we are tidal, ebbing and flowing, show me your light. —Lorna Cahall This love poem appeared in Every Day Poems. Subscribe now, for a year of happy mornings. Check out Funny Love Songs Check out Romantic Love Songs . . .